Opening times

  • Churchside Medical Practice

    Day Opening hours
    Sunday 23 February
    Monday 24 February
    7:30am to 6:30pm
    Tuesday 25 February
    7:30am to 6:30pm
    Wednesday 26 February
    7:30am to 8pm
    Thursday 27 February
    7:30am to 6:30pm
    Friday 28 February
    7:30am to 6:30pm
    Saturday 1 March

Telephone lines are open 8am to 6.30pm.

GP availability


Opening Times 


Dr Vanessa Pearce 

Dr Claire Harrison

Dr Seyi Olayemi


Dr Claire Harrison

Dr Seyi Olayemi


Dr Vanessa Pearce    

Dr Sukhvinder Dhamrait

Dr Rachel Hibberd

Dr Seyi Olayemi


Dr Claire Harrison 

Dr Sukhvinder Dhamrait

Dr Rachel Hibberd

Dr Seyi Olayemi


Dr Sukhvinder Dhamrait

Dr Rachel Hibberd

GP Extended Hours

Churchside Medical Practice work in collaboration with Roundwood Surgery, Acorn Medical Practice, Millview surgery and Forest Medical Practice to provide GP & Nurse Appointments Monday to Friday 7am to 8pm and Saturday 8am to 5pm. 

This means if you require a non-emergency, pre-booked appointment when we are not open you may be able to see a GP or Nurse at one of the practices listed above. You can book these appointments up to 4 weeks in advance by contacting the practice you are registered with. Unfortunately, these appointments cannot be booked through the online system.

As part of this service Churchside Medical Practice offer GP and Nurse appointments until 8pm on a Wednesday evening and Nurse appointments only from 7.30am every weekday.

Contact reception to book appointments.


If you need help when we are closed

If you need medical help now, use NHS 111 online or Call 111.

NHS 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.

If this service suggests you need to seek urgent care then Primary Care 24, right next to the Emergency Department at King's Mill Hospital, provides an out of hours service.

PC24 is an urgent care centre based next to the Kings Mill Hospital Emergency Department (ED) that provides medical care for patients that do not need Emergency Department Care. It is a nurse led service (Monday – Friday) and is supported by General Practitioners (GP’s) in the out of hours period (i.e. anytime that your normal GP practice is closed).

This service is for problems which cannot wait until the next available surgery. You will be required to provide full information about your problem and will be expected if required to attend PC24 if necessary. Advice may also be given if attending for a face to face appointment is not deemed to be required.

Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

Staff Training

The surgery will be closed one Wednesday afternoon in every calendar month, from 12pm for staff training. If you require urgent medical attention please call 111 and you will be put through to the out of hours service that is appropriate for your clinical needs. The dates of closure  for 2025, and the start of 2026, are listed below:

27th March

30th April

21st May

25th June

23rd July

24th September

22nd October

26th November

28th January 2026

25th February 2026

25th March 2026


Bank Holidays

In addition, bank holiday closure dates for 2025 are:

18th April - Good Friday

21st April - Easter Monday

5th May - Early May Bank Holiday

26th May - Spring Bank Holiday

25th August - Summer Bank Holiday

25th December - Christmas Day

26th December - Boxing Day


We would very much appreciate it if you could take the above closure dates into consideration when ordering prescriptions and make sure you leave 48 hours, not including the Bank Holiday before you require your medication.

If you require urgent medical attention please call 111 and you will be put through to the out of hours service that is appropriate for your clinical needs.